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Shopify Theme Detector: Quickly Identify Theme Behind Any Shopify Store


Ever wondered what Shopify theme your favorite online store is using? Whether you’re an aspiring eCommerce entrepreneur, a web developer, or just curious, knowing how to identify Shopify themes can be incredibly useful. In this guide, we’ll explore various methods and tools to quickly detect the theme behind any Shopify …

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Error site map with leo blog module

Hi If you have error site map with leo blog module please open file /modules/gsitemap/gsitemap.php protected function getMetaLink(&$link_sitemap, $lang, &$index, &$i, $id_meta = 0) { if (method_exists('ShopUrl', 'resetMainDomainCache')) { ShopUrl::resetMainDomainCache(); } $link = new Link(); $metas = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS('SELECT * FROM `' . DB_PREFIX . 'meta` WHERE `configurable` > 0 AND …

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Optimization Database prestashop

optimization prestashop database

Hi When you use prestashop in longtime You want to Optimization database to make your site run faster Please follow my guide back-up database login back-office Advanced Parameters > Database > DB Backup create new back-up 2. login php-myadmin run follow command TRUNCATE TABLE ps_connections; TRUNCATE TABLE ps_connections_source; TRUNCATE TABLE …

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The danger of iframe clickjacking and how to deal with it

Clickjacking It involves tricking a user into clicking something different from what they think it is. Let’s create a straightforward example with it. index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <title>A malicious website</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"> </head> <body> <button>Just a button</button> <iframe id="banking-site-iframe" src="https://your-bank.com"></iframe> </body> </html> Above, we have …

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Category Description error in Editor error in Prestashop 1.7.8.x

Hi When you update Prestashop from 1.7.7.x to 1.7.8.x Category description error or empty in other language. You will see error in category page category.bundle.js:87 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘textContent’) my solution is copy file category.bundle.js and cms_page_form.bundle.js from 1.7.7.x to 1.7.8.x fixcategory descptionbug

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Advanced Search4 Module is not displaying results of filter with prestashop theme of leotheme

Hi Advanced Search4 Module is not displaying results of filter anymore. In category page you select any filter for layered navigation. You will see that result looks bad. Is not generating the page according to my setting from theme with 4 colons etc… Error like this image Please follow my …

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How to configure Next Previous Products on Product Page?

configure next previous products on product page

Configure Next Previous Products on the Product page! Leotheme’s developers have developed Leo Next Previous Products Module in order for Prestashop store owners to display Next/ Previous products on the product page. This blog will guide you on how to configure  Leo Next Previous Products Prestashop Module Read more: How …

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How to add sitemap to Google search console? – Prestashop 1.7 tutorial

How to Add sitemap To google search console

This blog will guide you some steps to add sitemap to Google search console in Prestashop 1.7. If you haven’t known how to create a sitemap in Prestashop 1.7, please go over our previous blog beforehand. Read more: How to create a sitemap in Prestashop 1.7? Now, let’s start Step …

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How to create a sitemap in Prestashop 1.7?

create sitemap prestashop 1.7

Create sitemap Prestashop 1.7! What is sitemap? A sitemap is an XML file used by search engines to improve the indexing of your website. It lists all the products and pages on your online store, so that when search engines find this file, they can index all the pages on your website more easily. In order to create a sitemap for your PrestaShop 1.7 store, you need to install and configure the Google Sitemap module. This is a tool that helps you build a map of your …

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