Dear valued customers,
If your site using 2 languages and you want to translate your site, please read Prestashop guide to translate
Some time you can not translate text, you get bug when translate text when using our theme + our module.
Please follow my guide to fix:
Find the text in template:
- If that is text of module
Please try to translate module first follow this GUIDE TO TRANSLATE MODULE > find Modules translations
If you still can not translate, Please check tpl file of module
This error happen when copy override tpl file from Leo module
example: leo product search module can not translate
Please open tpl file : YOUR_SITE/themes/LEOTHEME_NAME/modules/leoproductsearch/views/templates/font
edit {l s=’search’ mod=’leoproductsearch’} to {l s=’search’ d=’Shop.Theme.Global’}
Then you access theme > leotheme > Global to translate this text
2. Can not translate text when using value in template
Some template using variable :
{$flag.lable} or {$flag.value}
Please translate follow my guide
Translate all text in default theme too